<:s><:I5400,0,0,0><:R1,2,1,704,1,1080,><+!><:f280,2Times New Roman,0,0,0><-#>Customer Technical Information<-!><:f>
<:s><:R><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:s><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>
<:I7740,0,0,0><:R1,0,><:f200,2Tms Rmn,0,0,0><:Dl><:f><+!><+#><:f360,2Times New Roman,0,0,0><:p<* >><-!><-#>
<+B><:f280,2Tms Rmn,0,0,0>SERIES 400 TO SERIES 700 UPGRADE <:H<*->
<+B><:f200,2Tms Rmn,0,0,0>Revised <:Dc><:f>
<:t20><:p<* >>
@Title@<:s><:#423,9457><+!>OVERVIEW <-!>
<:s><:#317,9457><:f280,2Tms Rmn,0,0,0>
@Subtitle@<:s><:#327,9457>How to Use This Document
<:s><:#317,9457><:f280,2Tms Rmn,0,0,0>
<:s><:#1116,9457>This document is written as a reference document for the Series 400 to Series 700 Upgrades. The expected audience is HP system engineers, HP customer engineers, and customer system administrators. The document overlaps with other Series 700 documents, but
was designed to bring all the details into a single place.
<:s><:#558,9457>The Overview provides an introduction to the upgrades. The rest of the document is designed to be used as a source document for resolving questions.
<:#558,9457>HP is the only workstation vendor to provide a board level upgrade that converts a workstation from CISC to RISC!
<+B><:s><:#278,9457><+!>These upgrades improve performance as much as 15X!!<-!>
<:s> <:A16>
<:s><:#1395,9457>Once again HP's strategy of investment protection means that you have an economical and simplified path to the performance and future growth of the Series 700 and HP-UX. We now offer inexpensive upgrades from any Series 400 workstation that convert them in
to full members of the Series 700 family. No other workstation supplier has shown this type of commitment to provide upgrade paths for their installed base.
<:p<* >>
<:s><:#279,9457>You benefit in three overriding ways with the Series 700 upgrades:
@bullet@<:s><:I720,288,720,720><:R1,2,1,1440,1,2340,><:#278,9457><+">Vastly improved performance with PA-RISC technology<-">
@bullet@<:s><:I720,288,720,720><:R1,2,1,720,1,1800,><:#278,9457><+">Move to the latest versions of HP's standards based operating environment:<-">
<:s><:I720,0,273,0><:R1,2,1,720,1,1800,><:#278,9457><+"> 710 - HP-UX 8.07 (and 9.01 in March 1993<-"><+">)<-">
<:I720,0,273,0><:S+-1><:R1,2,1,720,1,1800,><:#278,9457><+"> 715t/715s/715 - HP-UX 9.0 <-"><+">(and 9.01 in March 1993<-"><+">)<-">
@bullet@<:s><:I720,288,720,720><:R><:#278,9457><+">Investment protection through low cost upgrades.<-">
<:s><:#837,9457>In all cases the upgrade is primarily a CPU board swap. RAM, monitor, and internal peripherals are all retained. This approach greatly decrease the cost of the upgrade. Also the serial number never changes in all but the 425e to 715/50 upgrade.
<:s><:#837,9457>The 425e to 710 upgrades are available today with 4 weeks or less delivery. Delivery of 715t upgrades began in December 1992, with the 715s upgrades following in February 1993. The 425e to 715/50 upgrade will be available in calendar Q2'93.
<:s><:#558,9457>You need more than just an upgrade. So, several related products have been introduced along with the upgrades.
<:s><:#1116,9457>In recognition of the planning required for an upgrade, HP is offering two planning kits
<+!>free<-!>. One is for Domain customers and the other HP-UX. These kits contain manuals which will help to make that preparation as easy as possible. These kits can be ordered in advance to aid in evaluation or planning or you can order them with your
<:s><:#1395,9457>All upgrade customers will also want a localization kit so that they have appropriate HP-UX documentation. Two kit types are available, one of which supplies an HP-UX keyboard and the other a PC-style keyboard. Series 400 customers running HP-UX can use a
n option which deletes the keyboard while providing the documentation. The specific localization kit to order depends on the upgrade ordered.
<:s><:#279,9457>There are many additional benefits to the Series 400 to 700 upgrades:
<:R1,2,1,115,1,4410,><:#1674,9457>The key component of each upgrade is primarily a replacement for the Series 400 workstation's original CPU board. These boards are carefully engineered to retain as many of the original Series 400 workstation's capabilities, including I/O, as possible and
yet retain complete compatibility with the 715 family. New graphics logic is included on the new upgrade CPU board. 715s upgrades also include a new EISA connector board which converts any ISA systems to EISA.
<:#1116,9457>HP-UX 2-user Run Time is installed on the system's internal disk, if one is present, as part of the upgrade. An HP-UX 2-user Run-Time license-to-use is also provided. HP-UX 9.01 will be provided on all systems after March 1993. Until then the 425e to 710
upgrades are HP-UX 8.07, and all others HP-UX 9.0.
<:s><:#837,9457>Other Domain/OS and HP-UX layered software licenses are transferred either for free or at minimal cost for any customers under software maintenance contracts. See Appendix A for a list of layered products available for license transfer.
<:#1116,9457>On-site HP installation of the hardware and HP-UX is included in the price of the upgrade. In fact, hardware installation must be performed by an HP Service Engineer. Of course if the system is diskless no HP-UX is installed. All replaced processor, grap
hics, and converter boards are returned to the factory by the service engineer performing the installation.
<:#837,9457>Although the service engineer installs the run time software on the workstation's disk drive, the actual HP-UX media is not part of the upgrade products. For recovery purposes, it is recommended that customers purchase at least one HP-UX media product per
<:s><:#558,9457>HP takes full responsibility for the actual installation of the PA upgrades. For an effective upgrade, though, customers have responsibility for other tasks. These include:
<:s><:#279,9457>Upgrading HP-UX Workstation
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#279,9457>Verify peripheral support on Series 700 workstation.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#279,9457>Order appropriate version of HP-UX backup media (optional).
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#558,9457>Order layered software products (optional). Must order media and documentation separately. See Appendix A for product list.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#279,9457>Order application software from vendor.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#279,9457>Plan down time of system for installation and system administration.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#279,9457>Backup all data from current disk to a Series 700 compatible media device.
<:p<* >>
<:s><:#279,9457> Upgrading Domain/OS Workstation
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#279,9457>Verify peripheral support on Series 700 workstation.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#279,9457>Order appropriate version of HP-UX backup media (optional).
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#558,9457>Order appropriate version HP-UX operating system documentation. The system administration documentation kit is recommended.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#558,9457>Order layered software products (optional). Must order media and documentation separately. See Appendix A for product list.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#279,9457>Order application software from vendor.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#279,9457>Obtain HP-UX System Administration training (optional).
@bullet@<:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#558,9457>Identify a Domain-based node to remain in the network for data retrieval and data interchange or purchase RBAK, WBAK utilities from a third party.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#279,9457>Plan down time of system for installation and system administration.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,360,720,720><:R1,0,><:#558,9457>Backup all data from current disk to a Series 700 compatible media device, if available, or to a Domain-based node to remain in network.
<:#1953,9457>The upgrades use PA-RISC processors, with memory management that allows Series 400 RAM to be used. The Model 425e upgrade to the Model 710 provides the same 50 MHz processor used in other Model 710 systems, while the other upgrades use the PA 7100 processo
r used in the Model 715 systems. Your customers receive systems with vastly improved performance over the Motorola 68K processor. Series 400 RAM on 4xxt and 4xxs is somewhat slower than Series 700 RAM, so Model 715t/s upgrade performance is slightly slowe
r than new Model 715 systems. It is about 5% with one known very large application and data set at 10%.
<:p<* >>
<:s><:#837,9457>The chart shows clearly the progression of HP's audio features. The Model 425e and Model 710 have essentially identical audio performance, while the Model 715t and Model 715s upgrades are another leap forward in the audio component of multi-media capabilit
<:s><:#259,9457><:f220,2Tms Rmn,0,0,0>
<:s><:#837,9457>Wouldn't it be great if you could upgrade your Series 400 graphics to Series 700 performance, yet keep your current monitor and the related savings? That's exactly what you get with the Series 700 upgrades!
<:s><:#259,9457><:f220,2Tms Rmn,0,0,0>
<:s><:t13><:f220,2Tms Rmn,0,0,0> <:f>
<:#1674,9457>New graphics are included in the upgrades, and these graphics are equivalent to the grayscale and color graphics available on Models 710 and 715 workstations. You will receive 1280 X 1024 2D graphics with performance equal to that of grayscale and color Mo
dels 710, 715/33, or 715/50 systems. The graphics performance improvement can go as high as 42X! (depending on the systems and benchmark, of course). The HP leadership in X Window and 2D/3D vector performance today is available on all Series 400 to Series
700 upgrades.
<:#2232,9457>Thanks to two ingenious sets of on-board switches, the graphics on all upgrades may be set for any monitor type we have sold on the Series 400. One setting selects color or grayscale, while the other determines the monitor's refresh rate. The result is th
at all the outstanding features and speed of Series 700 graphics are available without any need for investing in a new monitor. By the way, one of the many benefits of this arrangement is that monochrome VRX customers will now have 256 shades of gray to us
e. The proper switch settings will be selected by the HP service engineer during installation. The service engineer also removes any old graphics boards and returns them to the factory.
<:#1953,9457>What about 3D? The short answer is that some 3D functionality is supported if Powershade is used, but Series 400 Personal VRX and TurboVRX graphics do not work with the upgrades. The graphics bus to these external graphics subsystems is not supported. So
me Personal VRX users will find the new graphics and Powershade a good replacement. For the rest,
<+">TradeUp'93<-"> offers higher credits when trading in Series 400 3D systems. The best upgrade path for most Series 400 3D graphics users is to trade up to a Series 700 workstation with the graphics features and performance they need.
<:#1116,9457>In the history of the Series 400, a wide assortment of internal disks have been sold. All are supported with the Series 400 to Series 700 upgrades! A few of the disks, particularly those sold in Domain/OS systems, require new firmware to function properl
y in the upgraded workstation. This firmware is included in the upgrade package and is installed by the service engineer.
<:s><:#1116,9457>The minimum disk configuration required for local HP-UX 8.07 or 9.0, including adequate swap space, is 420 MB. This may be either two 210 MB disks or at least one disk with 420 MB or more. Most Series 400 workstations already have one of these configurati
ons, but if not you will need to purchase additional capacity.
<:#1674,9457>Generally the only time disk capacity will be an issue is with systems with a single 210 MB disk (unless you plan to run diskless with the 210 MB disk for local swapping). The Model 425e to Model 710 and Model 4xxt to Model 715t upgrades include an option
to add a 420 MB disk at a lower price than if it is purchased separately. Of course, an unused disk slot must be available for the new disk. Otherwise you will have to discard a mechanism. There are no problems with combining an existing 210 MB disk with
a new 420 MB.
<:#837,9457>Some Model 4xxs systems may have only a single 330 MB disk. These users do not have enough disk capacity for HP-UX 9.0. You should purchase the 1.3 GB internal disk add-on, A2076A.
<:s><:#1674,9457>Add-on internal disk products are sold for use on Series 700 systems which are similar to those used in the Series 400. These Series 700 disks should not be purchased for the upgraded workstations; purchase the HP-UX Series 400 disk add-on products instead
. Also the internal disks which are supported only on the Series 700 are not supported on the upgraded Models 715t and 715s systems. This is required to get the proper brackets for proper installation and to insure that testing has been done.
<:#1953,9457>Some internal and external disks used with Domain Models 4xxt and 4xxs systems must receive a firmware change to function properly with HP-UX. Upgrade firmware for all varieties of internal Domain disks is included as part of the upgrade, and will be insta
lled by the HP Service Engineer as part of the upgrade procedure. Most external Domain disks also need the firmware upgrade, but this is not part of the upgrade package. Instead, a separate product is available which includes the necessary firmware for a
ll of the disks listed below. The product number is A2833A.
<:s><:#279,9457>External Domain disks to be supported by disk upgrade product:
<:#837,9457>If you have a C2213A, you need to run "diskinfo" on the disks in that enclosure. If the command returns a rev level of C938, then you also need to purchase a firmware upgrade (A2833A).
<:s><:#837,9457>With very few exceptions, all external disks supported on the Series 700 are also supported on the upgrades. Disk arrays, however, are not supported. Again, refer to Appendix C for more specific information.
<:#837,9457>Many Series 400 users are running diskless today. This is supported on the upgrades as well; it just means the service engineer doesn't install any HP-UX software. The network must include a Series 700 server with HP-UX 9.0 for booting the upgraded diskle
ss nodes.
<:#837,9457>The Model 400dl did not allow any internal disks, and this is still true after the upgrade. The cables, brackets, etc. necessary to allow an internal disk to be installed are not available in the 400dl system.
<:#837,9457>All internal peripherals sold on the various models of the Series 400 are also supported on the upgraded systems. This includes the floppy drives, CD ROM, DAT, and QIC tape. However, QIC tape support is limited.
<:#1116,9457>HP does not support QIC as a fully functional Series 700 peripheral, but some access to data stored on QIC is supported. HP understood the need of the large base of QIC users to use QIC as a medium for moving Domain stored data into HP-UX files, and to ret
ain some utility for their drives in the HP-UX environment. The support of QIC on the Series 700 upgrades includes:
@bullet@<:I360,288,720,720><:#558,9457>"tar" and "cpio" command support for general data storage and recovery, and to allow data interchange with Domain systems
@bullet@<:I360,288,720,360><:#558,9457>For archive retrieval of Domain tapes you can purchase <+">rbak<-"> in the first half of calendar 1993.
<:#2232,9457>HP and Worktation Solutions have made an agreement to offer <+!>RBAK for UNIX<-!> in a special program for HP customers migrating from Domain to HP-UX. It is a robust solution that enables customers to have continuing access to their data archived on Doma
in WBAK tapes on HP-UX Series 700 workstations. If you are on HP software support and have purchased either a Series 400 to Series 700 Upgrade or new systems via
<+">TradeUp'93<-">, it costs $400. Purchased separately, it is $1,950. Contact Workstations Solutions at (603)880-0080, if you are making the purchase under the special program make sure you have copies of your support contract and purchase order.
<+!>RBAK for UNIX<-!> features are:
@bullet@<:I360,288,720,720><:#558,9457>Supports all versions of tapes created by HP/Apollo wbak or Workstation Solutions wbak since 1982
@bullet@<:I360,288,720,720><:#279,9457>Supports RBAK archives on CTAPE (QIC), 4mm DAT, 9-track
@bullet@<:I360,288,720,720><:#279,9457>Accepts standard rbak command line format
@bullet@<:I360,288,720,720><:#558,9457>Supports Workstations Solutions RBAK extension including index file generation, depth selection, and selective restoration
@bullet@<:I360,288,720,720><:#558,9457>Provides streams file conversion for structured ASCII files, restores and indexes directly form wbak tapes; no conversion required
@bullet@<:I360,288,720,720><:#279,9457>Provides multivolume data restoration
<:#558,9457>If you need QIC tape on another of your Series 700's, or full functionality on the Model 715t/s, IEM offers an external drive plus software. Contact IEM at:
All external peripherals supported on the Series 700 are also supported on the Models 715t and 715s upgrades. In addition, many of the external peripherals supported on the Series 400 will continue to be supported on the upgraded systems. A complete table
of supported devices is available in Appendix C.
HP-UX Series 400 systems used HP-IB extensively to connect to external peripherals. The upgraded systems will not have the built in HP-IB ports that HP-UX Series 400 systems have, so in general these peripherals are not supported on the upgrades. Using th
e available EISA slots, Model 715s systems could take advantage of the EISA low speed HP-IB card (25560A) for connection to HP-IB printers, plotters, etc. (not disks). However, this will be a rare solution since HP-UX Series 400 users normally did not buy
<:s>Another money-saving contribution of these upgrades is that users can re-use their Series 400 RAM. Current RAM is just moved to the new CPU. There are no configuration restrictions except:
@bullet@<:s><:I720,0,0,0>Model 425e or Series 700 RAM may not be used in Models 715t or 715s systems
@bullet@<:I720,0,0,0>Models 4xxt or 4xxs RAM may not be used in Models 710 or 715/50 systems
<:s>The Model 710 resulting from a Model 425e upgrade requires RAM to be configured in sets of four identical boards, with a maximum of eight boards (two sets of four). Since the Model 425e uses RAM in sets of two identical boards (with a maximum of six boards
), additional memory boards may be needed to support a functional Model 710. In most cases, the only certain way to determine the current Model 425e RAM configuration is to open the system and look at the RAM on the CPU board. If the system has only two o
f any size RAM board, another pair of the same size is needed for the upgrade. If it has four identical RAM boards now, no new RAM is required for the set.
<:s>Unlike the Model 710 upgrades, the rest of the upgrades do not require RAM to be installed in sets of four. The upgraded systems use RAM in sets of two (pairs) just like the original Series 400 workstation. For optimal performance with PA RISC your users
may want to purchase additional RAM. In all cases, a minimum of 16 MB of RAM are needed in the Series 700 systems.
The sharp-eyed among you may have noticed in an earlier table that an upgraded Model 400dl now has capacity for 64 MB of RAM. The Model 715t upgrade boards have four pairs of RAM slots while the Model 400dl board only has two. Also, the Model 715t/50 upgr
ade includes a new power supply, which allows a maximum RAM capacity of 128 MB. The Models 4xxt and 715t/33 systems support only 64MB, due again, to power supply limitations.
@Subtitle@<:s><+!>Input Output<-!><+!> (I/O)<-!>
<:s>The upgrades have been designed to carry forward the built-in I/O used on Series 400 workstations. There are a few exceptions:
<:s>First, serial RS-232 ports differ, depending on the upgrade:
@bullet@<:s>The Model 425e has three 9 pin RS-232 connectors, while the 710 or 715/50 resulting from an upgrade has only two, therefore you will loose an RS-232 port.
@bullet@Models 4xxt and 4xxs use a single 25 pin serial connector. This in turn may be split into three 9 pin connectors by using a K2292 converter. The 715t/s upgrades also have a 25 pin connector, but the internal logic is different from the original Series 400
system. Because of this difference, only two of the three output ports of the K2292 are activated when the converter is used.
Second, there is no Domain keyboard port on the upgrades. Domain keyboards do not work appropriately with HP-UX, so a new keyboard is necessary. An HP-UX or PC-style keyboard should be ordered by Domain users via a localization kit. These keyboards use t
he built-in HP-HIL port on the upgrades.
The upgrades do not include an HP-IB port. All Models 4xxt and 4xxs systems sold with HP-UX included HP-IB. The Model 715t/s upgrades do not have HP-IB. It is available only through an EISA card (25560A) on Models 715s or 715/50 systems.
Finally, a Model 400dl has very restricted I/O, and this is still true after the upgrade to a Model 715t. The upgrade products used for upgrading a Model 400dl are the same as those used for Models 400t or 425t systems. However, neither the Model 400dl no
r the upgrade has the logic and connecting cables necessary to enable the SCSI and parallel ports on the Model 715t upgrade.
Regarding the internal I/O expanders on Model 4xxs systems, your upgrade situations will fall into one of four categories depending, upon the type of expander the Model 4xxs has before the upgrade.
@bullet@<:s>No internal expander:
<:I720,0,0,720>Only HP-UX systems were sold in this configuration. They may be upgraded to the 715s, and the resulting system will still not have any internal I/O expansion. A special is available to convert a Model 4xxs system with no internal expander into one with EI
SA, which may then in turn be upgraded to a Model 715s with EISA..
@bullet@<:#279,9457>DIO-II internal expander:
<:I720,0,0,720><:#837,9457>These were only sold on HP-UX systems. DIO-II is not supported on the Model 715s. While systems with the DIO-II expander may be upgraded, the DIO-II hardware will end up useless.
@bullet@<:#279,9457>ISA internal expander:
<:I720,0,0,720><:#558,9457>All Domain 400s systems were sold in this configuration. The Model 715s upgrades will convert ISA to fully functional EISA.
@bullet@<:#279,9457>EISA internal expander:
<:I720,0,0,720><:#558,9457>Both HP-UX and Domain systems have been sold with EISA. These will be functionally unchanged by the Model 715s upgrade.
<:#1116,9457>The EISA cards supported on the Series 700 are supported on Model 715s upgrades with EISA. Check the table below for the number of cards supported in each Model 715s. A number of third-party EISA cards have been available for Domain Series 400 systems. C
heck with the third-party vendor to see if they are supported on the Series 700 upgrades.
<:#1395,9457>In addition to maintaining I/O compatibility, the Series 700 upgrades have the same built-in networking as the Series 400. The two standard LAN connectors (ThinLan and AUI, jumper selectable) are provided by the upgrades, except for the 425e to 715/50 whic
h has only an AUI. With an AUI you must also purchase a transceiver for the type of LAN wiring you are using, such as A2670A for ThinLAN and A2671A for Ethertwist.
<:#1953,9457>But what about Apollo Token Ring? Support for ATR (Models 4xxt and 4xxs systems only) was identified as one of the top upgrade requirements by our Domain users, and we are happy to say that the existing ATR cards shipped on the Series 400
<+!>will<-!> be upgraded and supported as part of the Model 715t/s upgrades. The upgrade includes new parts for the ATR card and necessary driver software which enables the card to work with HP-UX 9.0 and the Model 715t/s workstation. This upgraded ATR ca
rd will support TCP/IP-based communications only, which is consistent with current Series 700 ATR functionality.
<:s><:#1116,9457>As mentioned, the driver software for ATR is included as part of the software which the service engineer installs during the hardware upgrade. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you back up this software after installation. The instructions for th
is backup are included in the customer documentation shipped with the upgrade.
<:#837,9457>IBM Token Ring (802.5) was available on Domain Models 4xxt/s systems, but very few users purchased it. The original Series 400 ITR card is not supported on the upgrades. An EISA card is available for Models 715s and 715/50 systems.
<:#837,9457>The Series 400 to Series 700 upgrades are targeted at both the HP-UX customer and the Domain/OS customer. For both customer bases this entails an installation of the required version of the HP-UX operating system (INVOL in Domain terms).
<:s><:#278,9457><:f240,2Tms Rmn,0,0,0><+!>
<:#558,9457>HP-UX 9.01 is now being shipped with all the upgrades. The only difference between HP-UX 9.0 and HP-UX 9.01 is a defect fix.
<:s><:#837,9457>The operating system release required for the Models 715t and 715s upgrades is HP-UX 9.0. All Instant Ignition upgrades will ship with HP-UX 9.01 by March 1993. From then on we will change to any future O/S at the same time it is made available on the Mod
el 715.
<:s><:#558,9457>A detailed comparison of HP-UX 8.07 and 9.0 Run Time Instant Ignition features is included in Appendix B.
<:#558,9457>An HP-UX 9.0 2-user Run Time license is included with all upgrades. This license is also valid for all prior versions of HP-UX.
<:#1395,9457>The upgrades include installation of HP-UX 2-user Run Time when the upgrade is performed, assuming the workstation has an internal disk. The Instant Ignition software is loaded onto the system's disk from a CD-ROM that service engineer will have for that p
urpose. No separate media is left with the customer. For backup and recovery, users should order their media separately as described below.
<:s><:#837,9457>Upgrade users should order backup media, any HP-UX layered software products, and new documentation when you order your upgrade. Note that HP-UX user's guides will be included in the localization kits that normally are ordered with the upgrade.
@Subtitle@<:s><:R1,2,1,704,1,1080,><:#332,9457><:f280,2Times New Roman,0,0,0><-"><+!><-">Series<-!><:f><+!><:f280,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 400 to 700 Upgrades Software License Transfers<-!><:f>
<:s><:R1,2,1,704,1,1080,><:#1116,9457>The Software Transfer Program has been simplified! The Software Transfer Program is intended for customers on support services to allow you to functionally duplicate your software environment by converting software licenses when you trade up<-">. All you
need to do is update your support contracts to reflect the software products running on their new hardware.
@Body Single@<:s><:R><:#279,9457>
@Body Single@<:#1116,9457>To make this conversion easier for you , we will offer the no charge or minimal charge software license transfers listed below to those ordering a Series 400 to 700 upgrade if you order the corresponding software support services in the same
<-">order. See Appendix A for a list of all products available at this time in the program.
@Body Single@<:s><:#279,9457>
@Body Single@<:#279,9457>This program is identical to <+">TradeUp'93<-"> Software License Transfers.
@Body Single@<:s><:#279,9457>
@Body Single@<:s><:#558,9457>The minimal charges exist where we must recover license fees to other companies. The transfer only covers the license. Media and manual products where needed must be purchased.
@Body Single@<:s><:#279,9457>
@Body Single@<:s><:#279,9457>Here's how to apply Software License Transfer discounts:
@Body Single@<:s><:#279,9457>
@little bullet@<:s><:I0,288,720,601><:R1,0,>This program is intended customers transferring Domain or HP-UX software product licenses.
@little bullet@<:I0,288,720,601><:R1,0,>Software License Transfer discounts <+!>MUST<-!> be on same order as
<+">TradeUp'93<+!> <-"><-!>trade-up equipment, or Series 400 to Series 700 Upgrade. It can be on a separate section, but
<+!>MUST <-!>be entered at the same time.
@little bullet@<:s><:I0,288,720,601><:R1,0,>Software support services for a minimum of 12 months<+!> MUST<-!> be ordered at the same time, on the same order, as the Software License Transfer discounts are given.
@little bullet@<:I0,288,720,601><:R1,0,>Media and manuals are not part of this program. These products, if ordered at the same time, in most cases can receive
<+">TradeUp'93<+!> <-"><-!>discounts. Refer to the OP Instructions for the products eligible for
<+">TradeUp'93<+!> <-"><-!>discounts.
@Body Single@<:s><:R>Many third parties have put in place similar software license transfer programs in place to compliment HP's Open Migration Program. Contact your application supplier for the terms of their software license transfer program.<:p<* >>
<:s><:#558,9457>An upgrade to the Series 700 is made much easier with adequate planning before the upgrade arrives. This is especially true for Domain users. A sampling of issues to be considered includes:
@bullet@<:s><:#558,9457>interoperability within an existing Domain network to machines converted to Series 700 and HP-UX
@bullet@<:s><:#279,9457>system administration of a mixed operating system network
@bullet@<:s><:#279,9457>moving and converting data files to a new environment
@bullet@<:s><:#279,9457>transferring software licenses and ordering new versions of application software
@bullet@<:#558,9457>documenting specific hardware/software details necessary to upgrade individual workstations
<:s><:#1395,9457>HP's goal is to make the migration to Series 700 and HP-UX easier than to any other environment. To bring this goal to reality, some high quality planning documentation is being made available through two upgrade preparation kits. One kit is for Domain/OS
users, the other for those already using HP-UX on the Series 400. These kits are available at
<+!>no charge<-!>. They contain the following manuals:
<:s><:I0,720,0,0><:#279,9457><+#>Configuring and Managing Interoperability in a Mixed Domain/OS and HP-UX Network<-#>
<:s><:I0,720,0,0><:#279,9457><+#>Preparing Your System for the Series 400 to 700 Upgrade<-#>
<:s><:#279,9457> HP-UX
<:s><:I0,720,0,0><:#279,9457><+#>Preparing Your System for the Series 400 to 700 Upgrade<-#>
<:#1395,9457>You are encouraged to order the preparation kits for any Series 400 upgrade. Typically only one kit per workgroup is necessary. This should be done as soon as possible since some of the tasks suggested to users, for instance ordering replacement applicati
ons and licenses, have fairly long lead times. The ideal is for you to use the kits to help plan in advance so thoroughly that your upgraded workstation can be productive immediately after the HP Service Engineer leaves.
The Domain kit has one option, which adds Domain OS SR10.4 and NFS 4.1 media and documentation. Interoperability between Domain and HP-UX, while not requiring these software versions, will be enhanced considerably by using them. HP recommends keeping a Do
main node to be able to retrieve archived data. This version of Domain software gives you the best interoperability. The option is priced at $1200, which is the same as if these products were purchased individually. Domain users under support contracts w
<:#1674,9457>Two upgrade localization kits are available: one that includes an HP-UX keyboard, the other a PC-style keyboard. Most Domain users will prefer the PC-style keyboard since the key arrangement will be more familiar to them. Also included in the kits are a m
ouse, HP-UX and HP VUE 3.0 user's guides, HP-HIL cables, and a single power cable. The power cable is for connecting monitors directly to facility power. The upgrades do not have the ability to connect the monitor power directly to the computer, unlike so
me Series 400 systems.
<:s><:#1116,9457>The Series 700 localization kit with PC-style keyboard, the selection of languages available on this keyboard is greatly expanded with HP-UX 9.0. The appropriate power cord style will be selected from the localization option specified. Wherever HP-UX and
HP VUE manuals have been translated to the local language, these manuals will also key from the option.
<:s><:#1674,9457>All Domain upgrade users will want the full localization kit contents, including a new keyboard. HP-UX upgrade users already have a keyboard and probably don't want a new one, but they do need the HP-UX 9.0 and HP VUE 3.0 manuals. A new option, #005, has
been added to the upgrade localization kits that deletes everything except the documentation and power cord. The option also reduces the localization kit price. However, this option cannot be localized. In other words, the manuals will be English and the
power cord will be North American.
@Subtitle@<:s><:#327,9457><+!>"Upgrade Ready<-!><+!>" Series 400 Configurations<-!>
<:#1116,9457>Two additional Series 400 workstation configurations were added to the price list when the Series 400 to Series 700 upgrades were introduced. These are Domain-based products, the A2546A (Model 425t) and the A2560A (Model 433s). Please see the "Ordering De
tails" section of this sales guide for a complete description of these products.
<:s><:#1674,9457>These were introduced to help Domain/OS users who need to continue to buy the Series 400 today. By purchasing systems configured for appropriately for the upgrade, upgrading will be easier in the future. The configurations come standard with 32 MB of RAM,
using the 98229E RAM that consumes only a single pair of RAM slots. This preserves the maximum capacity for additional RAM. Also, the configurations come standard with DMX, simplifying the transition from a Domain/OS to an HP-UX user environment.
@bullet@<:s><:I720,270,0,0><:#279,9457>HP-UX products: backup media, layered software, and documentation
<:s><:#558,9457>If multiple upgrades are being ordered for a single site, the number of preparation kits may be less than the number of upgrades.
<:s><:#279,9457>Following are the upgrade products:
@Title@<:p<* >><+!>APPENDIX A---<-!>Software License Transfer
<:s><:#558,9457>The following tables list the HP-UX and Domain/OS products currently eligible for this program.
<:t18><:p<* >>
@Title@<:#423,9457><+!>APPENDIX B<-!>---HP-UX Run Time Contents
<:t19><:p<* >>
@Title@<:#423,9457><+!>APPENDIX C<-!>---Peripheral Support Matrix
<:s><:#834,9457><+!>NOTE: Any peripherals not listed in this table that are supported on the Model 715 Family<-!><+!> are also supported on the Series 400 to Series 700 upgrades. The only exceptions are disk array products.<-!>
<+B><:s><:#279,9457> Series 400 to Series 700 Upgrade: Peripheral Support Matrix
<:s> <:t9>
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#558,9457>1 - For Domain to HP-UX conversions, data on device must be backed up, the device re-initialized (media init), and the data restored to the device
<:s><:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>2 - No Domain data interchange
<:s><:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>3 - Domain to HP-UX data interchange has not been tested, so it is not currently supported
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>4 - "tar" and "cpio" support only
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>5 - Requires field hardware upgrade: A2283A (available after January 1, 1993)
<:s><:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>6 - Not supported: replacement available from 3rd party
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>7 - HP-IB peripheral: may be replaced with SCSI equivalent
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>8 - 715s or 715/50 only; requires EISA and 25560A HP-IB adapter
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>9 - With Omniback only
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>10 - Only two ports of K2292 are activated in 715t/s upgrades
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>11 - Via 715t, 715s upgrades only
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>12 - On 715s or 715/50 with EISA only; card may be replaced with J2165A interface card
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>14 - On 715s or 715/50 with EISA only
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>15 - On 715s or 715/50 with EISA, or as replacement for ATR card in 715t
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#279,9457>16 - HP-UX performance improved with "dfix.pa" utility in HP-UX 9.0
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:#837,9457>17 - If you have a C2213A, you need to run "diskinfo" on the disks in that enclosure. If the command returns a rev level of C938, then you also need to purchase a firmware upgrade (A2833A).
<:I0,0,720,0><:R1,2,1,0,1,450,><:p<* >>
@Title@<:R><:#423,9457><+!>UPGRADE ORDER SHEET<-!><:X11,-32768;TOC 1 "UPGRADE ORDER SHEET">
<:#279,9457>Please call your local HP Direct phone number for easy ordering
<:s><:#279,9457>Planning Kit Ordering Information
<:s><:#279,9457>Upgrade Ordering Information
<:s><:#279,9457>Localization Kit Ordering Information
<:s><:#279,9457>Disk Conversion Kit Ordering Information
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